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Lub nroog yuav tuav nws thawj cov yoov tshaj cum tso tawm ntawm 2024 lub lim tiam tom ntej |

Cov lus piav qhia luv luv: • Xyoo no yog thawj zaug uas cov tshuaj tua kab mob tua kab mob tau ua nyob rau hauv cheeb tsam.• Lub hom phiaj yog pab kom txhob kis kab mob los ntawm yoov tshaj cum.• Txij xyoo 2017, tsis muaj ntau tshaj 3 tus neeg tau kuaj pom zoo txhua xyoo.
Lub Nroog San Diego npaj yuav ua thawj cov tshuaj tua kab mob hauv cov huab cua tsis tu ncua ntawm 52 txoj hauv dej hauv zos xyoo no kom txwv tsis pub yoov tshaj cum kis kab mob xws li West Nile tus kab mob.
Cov tub ceev xwm hauv nroog tau hais tias nyoob hoom qav taub yuav pooblarvicidesyog xav tau hnub Wednesday thiab Thursday kom npog ze li ntawm 1,400 daim av ntawm qhov nyuaj-kom ncav cuag thaj chaw muaj yoov tshaj cum.
Tom qab tus kab mob West Nile tau tshwm sim thaum xyoo 2000s, lub nroog tau pib siv lub nyoob hoom qav taub los tso cov kab mob larvicides rau hauv qhov chaw nyuaj-rau-mus txog ntawm cov dej sawv hauv dej, ntws, pas dej thiab lwm lub cev dej uas yoov tshaj cum tuaj yeem yug tau.Lub nroog ua cov tshuaj tua kab mob hauv huab cua tso tawm kwv yees li ib hlis ib hlis txij lub Plaub Hlis mus txog Lub Kaum Hli.
Larvicide yuav tsis ua mob rau tib neeg lossis tsiaj txhu, tab sis yuav tua cov yoov tshaj cum ua ntej lawv loj hlob mus rau yoov tshaj cum.
Tus kab mob West Nile feem ntau yog kab mob ntawm cov noog.Txawm li cas los xij, yoov tshaj cum tuaj yeem kis tus kab mob uas yuav ua rau neeg tuag taus los ntawm kev noj cov noog uas muaj kab mob thiab tom qab ntawd tom tib neeg.
Kev cuam tshuam ntawm tus kab mob West Nile hauv San Diego County tau mob me me nyob rau ob peb xyoos dhau los.Txij li xyoo 2017, tsis muaj ntau tshaj peb tus neeg tau kuaj pom zoo txhua xyoo.Tab sis nws tseem txaus ntshai thiab tib neeg yuav tsum tsis txhob yoov tshaj cum.
Larvicidal tee tsuas yog ib feem ntawm kev tswj hwm vector zoo.Lub nroog vector tswj lub tuam tsev tseem saib xyuas kwv yees li ntawm 1,600 qhov chaw muaj peev xwm yoov tshaj cum yug me nyuam txhua xyoo thiab siv tshuaj tua kab mob uas siv ntau txoj hauv kev (aerial, nkoj, tsheb, thiab tes).Nws kuj tseem muab yoov tshaj cum noj ntses pub dawb rau pej xeem, saib xyuas thiab kho cov pas dej da dej uas tau tso tseg, sim cov noog tuag rau tus kab mob West Nile, thiab saib xyuas cov yoov tshaj cum rau cov kab mob yoov tshaj cum.
County vector tswj cov tub ceev xwm tseem ceeb toom rau tib neeg kom tiv thaiv lawv tus kheej ntawm yoov tshaj cum hauv thiab ib puag ncig lawv lub tsev los ntawm kev nrhiav thiab tso dej sawv ntsug kom tiv thaiv kab tsuag los ntawm kev yug me nyuam.
Kev tiv thaiv yoov tshaj cum yuav xav tau kev pab pej xeem ntau dua nyob rau xyoo tas los no vim muaj ntau hom kab mob tshiab ntawm Aedes yoov tshaj cum tau tsim lawv tus kheej ntawm no.Qee cov yoov tshaj cum no, yog tias lawv kis tau los ntawm kev tom tus neeg mob thiab tom qab ntawd pub rau lwm tus, tuaj yeem kis cov kab mob uas tsis muaj nyob ntawm no, suav nrog Zika, dengue fever thiab chikungunya.Invasive Aedes yoov tshaj cum nyiam nyob thiab yug nyob ib puag ncig tib neeg lub tsev thiab vaj.
Cov thawj coj saib xyuas lub nroog hais tias txoj hauv kev zoo tshaj plaws rau tib neeg los tiv thaiv lawv tus kheej ntawm yoov tshaj cum yog ua raws li "Kev Tiv Thaiv, Tiv Thaiv, Qhia" cov lus qhia.
Muab pov tseg lossis tshem tawm ib yam dab tsi sab hauv lossis sab nraum koj lub tsev uas yuav tuav tau dej, xws li cov lauj kaub paj, cov kav dej, cov thoob, cov thoob khib nyiab, cov khoom ua si, cov log tsheb qub thiab cov log tsheb.Cov ntses yoov tshaj cum muaj pub dawb los ntawm kev tswj hwm vector thiab tuaj yeem siv los tswj cov yoov tshaj cum hauv cov dej sawv hauv cov vaj tsev xws li cov pas dej da dej, pas dej, cov chaw thiab cov nees troughs.
Tiv thaiv koj tus kheej los ntawm cov kab mob yoov tshaj cum los ntawm kev hnav khaub ncaws thiab ris ntev lossis siv tshuaj tua kab thaum tawm sab nraum zoov.Siv cov tshuaj tua kab uas muajDEET, picaridin, roj ntawm txiv qaub eucalyptus, los yog IR3535.Xyuas kom lub qhov rooj thiab qhov rais cov qhov rooj nyob rau hauv qhov zoo thiab ruaj ntseg kom tsis txhob muaj kab nkag mus.
        To report increased mosquito activity, stagnant, unmaintained swimming pools and other mosquito breeding grounds, and dead birds (dead crows, crows, jays, hawks and owls) to the County Department of Environmental Conservation and Quality’s Vector Control Program , please report this. call (858) 694-2888 or email
Yog tias koj muaj koj lub tsev kuaj cov dej sawv ntsug thiab tseem tab tom ntsib teeb meem yoov tshaj cum, koj tuaj yeem tiv tauj Vector Control Program ntawm (858) 694-2888 thiab thov kom muaj kev tshuaj xyuas yoov tshaj cum.
Yog xav paub ntxiv txog kab mob yoov tshaj cum, mus saib hauv San Diego County Fight Bites lub vev xaib.Nov yog qee cov lus qhia los pab tiv thaiv koj lub vaj kom tsis txhob muaj yoov tshaj cum.

Lub sij hawm xa tuaj: Plaub Hlis-08-2024